16 December 2008

My Yuletide Gift: Open Source ActionScript 3.0 Libraries!

I finally got around to setting up a Google Code site:

A Three-Pound Monkey Brain: ActionScript 3.0 Libraries

As you can see, there is still much to be done. But it's a start, and it's available to anyone.

Merry Solsticetime, everyone!

10 December 2008

Uncle Sam wants YOU!

In case you all were curious about what I actually do for a living, this just launched:

This is a project I worked on with several other developers. (Well, I still am working on it—there are a couple of revisions we'll be rolling out before too long.) I also did some work on the main Army Experience Center website.

I believe this is the first project I've worked on involving Papervision3D that has made its way online. Hoo-ah!